Get out of your own way! Small group coaching starts in October

This testimonial is from a participant in my last small group coaching program. Here's the full quote from this past participant; a Director in the non-profit space.


“I went into the PQ Pod experience not realizing the impact it would have on me - it changed my life. I am always up for learning and growing and so was excited to join. What I didn't anticipate was the deep, introspective work that would take place. The insights from this program, especially regarding the sage and the judge have totally changed how I treat myself. The acknowledgment and reorientation of my inner judge has been amazing. I often share skills and insights from this program with my kids and friends. I am so thankful that I got to be a part of the PQ Pod experience.”


The small group coaching program centers around the Positive Intelligence framework. I offer this group coaching experience just a couple of times per year, and the next one starts the first week of October.

Positive Intelligence is a powerful, highly effective framework for tackling the challenge of letting go of the saboteurs that stand in the way of living our best lives. We do this by:

  • Building awareness and increasing our self-command

  • Intercepting our saboteurs when they threaten to hijack our thoughts, feelings and actions

  • Trusting our sage perspective instead, which operates from blameless discernment instead of judgement, and seeks the gift and opportunity in every situation



  • Decreased stress

  • More enjoyable parenting

  • Greater career success

  • Improved wellness, including sleep, diet and exercise

  • Better relationships (personal and professional)


This is an investment worth making.

 I am passionate about sharing these tools because I’ve personally seen their impact in my own life as well as my clients.


Program Details:

  • Program start date week of 9/30, 7 weeks total

  • We meet once a week for an hour, on a Monday or Tuesday. This is TBD for now based on group schedules.

  • There’s an hour of self-paced learning each week.

  • The daily work is 15 minutes total, spread throughout the day in 2-minute increments. This creates consistency and builds the habits that support lasting change.

  • Cost is $950 

Questions? Ready to get started? Email me at for more information.


Brave and stupid


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